Most Expensive Hermès Handbags

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The most expensive bags in our collection offer something rare, unique, and special. A combination of factors determine the value of a Hermès Bag, such as the use of exotic skin or precious hardware, a limited color or design featuring on the bag, or if the bag was crafted to specific instructions from a Hermès client. The Hermès Birkin Bag and Hermès Kelly Bag rank as two of the most expensive handbags in the world, reiterated in 2016 when the most expensive Birkin bag, a Birkin Himalayan, sold at auction and fetched over $300,000. Previously, the most expensive Birkin sold at auction went for $222,000 in 2015, displaying the continuing rise in value of the Birkin Hermès.

Best Replica Cheap the most trusted online marketplace to find both pristine and pre-loved Hermès handbags of high value. Our most expensive bags are extremely rare, with many unlikely to ever come onto the market again in the foreseeable future. A recent study by Baghunter demonstrated how the value of the Hermès Birkin has continually risen since its conception over 35 years ago and has the potential to continue rising in the future. Each Hermès Birkin and Kelly handbag falls under Baghunter’s guarantee, ensuring both quality and authenticity.

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