Baghunter Frontpage
At Baghunter, you’ll find nothing but the best. We sell high-end designer bags including Hermès, Chanel, Dior and more. We specialize in finding the most luxurious handbags in the world. We get every bag authenticated by our in-house experts and then make them available to you. No waiting lists – you can own a designer handbag without the wait.
We spread our love for luxury handbags with the world.
Our team members who have been working in the fashion industry for numerous years inspired Baghunter. Every time we attempted to buy a luxury handbag, we ran into issues, such as waiting lists, proof of loyalty requirements and more. That gave us the great idea of providing everyone with the ability to instantly purchase a high-fashion designer handbag.
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By following us, you will get the latest updates on new bags added to our store, celebrities spotted with designer handbags and much more.
Hermès Custom Bags
One of our specialities is finding unique and rare handbags that are nearly impossible to find. We dig deep and with our years of experience in the “bag hunting” industry, we often get our hands on some of the most exclusive bags in the world.
We often come across some of the most exquisite custom Hermès bags ever made. These rare bags are often one-of-a-kind limited editions or even special orders that have only been created once. You’ll find tons of bags in our store that are completely unique – by owning one you would become the only person in the world to own that exact bag.
The sac Hermès Birkin is one of the most prestigious handbags in the world; getting your hands on a custom sac Birkin Hermès is even more amazing. Our custom Hermès bags often come with unique artwork, crystal additions or special types of materials that are unique creations of Baghunter. You won’t ever find these one-of-a-kind bags anywhere else but here. Our design and fashion experts customize these bags, making them truly rare and coveted.
Chanel Runway Bags
Our team also works hard to get their hands on classic Chanel bags and extremely rare Chanel finds. We offer numerous Chanel bags that are sought-after all over the world. Our “hunters” find authentic Chanel runway bags as well as limited edition bags that have only been created in very minimal quantities.
If you’re as passionate for Chanel bags as we are, you will love browsing through our Chanel collection. Whether you want a specific color, crystals, a special type of leather or even a specific size, chances are, you’ll find the Chanel bag of your dreams at Baghunter.
Special Requests
If you can’t find the designer bag of your dreams at Baghunter, no need to worry – we can hunt it for you. We are experts at finding just about any designer bag that you can think of. Use our contact form to provide us with your special requests and we will get back to you within 24 hours.